Add Funds to Your ShipStation Balance

To purchase labels using a ShipStation Carrier, you must have funds in your ShipStation Balance. You can add funds when you purchase the label, add them manually in your Payments & Subscription settings, or set ShipStation to automatically add funds once the balance falls below a specified threshold.

Troubleshoot Funding Errors

If you experience an error when adding funds to your ShipStation Balance, you may need to update your payment method.

Add Funds when Creating Label

If your balance is too low to purchase the label when you click the Create Label button, you'll be prompted to add funds in the Cost Review pop-up.


Simply enter the desired amount and click Continue. ShipStation will then create the requested label.

The Cost Review pop-up also provides the option to change the scheduled ship date. If you'd like the change the ship date to a date other than the present day, click the calendar icon to choose the date before you click Continue.

Add Funds to Your Balance

Manually adding funds to your account allows you to control exactly how much to add to your balance and when.

And that's it! You're ready to continue creating labels with ShipStation Carriers.

Set Up Your Payment Method

If you haven't added a payment method for your ShipStation Balance yet, choose Get Started first and you'll be prompted to add your payment details. Once added, you can then add funds to your balance as needed.

Payment and Subscription page with a highlight around the Notice containing the link Get Started.

Auto-Fund Your ShipStation Balance

You can set ShipStation to automatically fund your balance once it reaches a certain threshold. You can set the threshold, the amount to add to the balance, and the maximum number of times per day auto-funding is allowed to happen.

Auto-funding works by detecting when the balance falls below a certain threshold at the time of a label purchase and then adding a pre-specified amount to your balance to bring it above the threshold again.

For example, if you wanted to purchase $100 by default any time your account balance falls below $250, set the Add if balance below amount to 250 and the Auto-fund amount to 100. Then enter in the maximum number of times ShipStation should automatically purchase postage in a day next to Max funding.

About Auto-Funding

  • This feature tells ShipStation to add funds when we detect the ShipStation Balance has fallen under your set threshold at the time of your label purchase.

  • The minimum purchase amount is $10. The maximum purchase amount is $500.

View Transaction History

Transaction History is where you can view an itemized list of transactions that affect your ShipStation Balance.

The Transaction History grid lists transactions chronologically by date starting with the most recent. It includes the following transaction types:

  • Label purchases

  • Insurance purchases

  • Service charges

  • Debits and credits to theShipStation balance

  • Refunds