Wayfair is a popular furniture and home goods marketplace in the US and UK. Wayfair integrates directly with ShipStation to automatically import your orders so you can start shipping quickly. ShipStation will automatically notify your Wayfair account with each order's shipment details as soon as you create each label.
If you haven't already, sign up to become a Wayfair partner!
Connection Requirements:
An active account with Wayfair.
Wayfair Client ID and Client Secret.
To get these, you'll create a New Application for ShipStation within Wayfair to generate a fresh Client ID and Client Secret.
Client Secret IDs are inaccessible once the pop-up closes.
Do not close the Client Secret pop-up until you have taken a screenshot or copied the Client ID and Secret to a separate document where you can refer to them later.
Wayfair Sandbox application to test API endpoints
Submit a request to Wayfair for a Production application after you've completed testing in the Sandbox application.
Order Import Requirements:
Must include a Ship To address.
All orders must be in accept status before they can import into ShipStation.
To complete the connection, you'll need two browser windows open: one for ShipStation and one for Wayfair.
To connect your Wayfair store to ShipStation:
Select the Wayfair tile. This will open the connection pop-up in ShipStation. To proceed further, you will need information from your Wayfair account.
Open a new browser tab, then log in to your Wayfair account portal with your Wayfair username and password.
Visit the User Management page in Wayfair's Partner Home portal and grant your account the API Access Permission.
Only Account Administrators can grant this permission.
Go to the Applications tab in the side menu then click + New Application. After you click this button you’ll see a Create Application pop-up.
Enter a Name and Description for the new application into the Create Application pop-up. These can be anything, but calling it ShipStation will help to identify its purpose and use.
Toggle the selection from Sandbox over to Production, then click Save. This will open the Client Secret pop-up.
Copy your Client ID and Client Secret from the Client Secret pop-up in Wayfair.
Client Secret IDs are inaccessible once the pop-up closes.
Do not close the pop-up until you have taken a screenshot or copied the Client ID and Secret to a separate document where you can refer to them later.
Return to your open browser tab with the open connection pop-up in ShipStation.
Copy and paste your Wayfair Client Id and Client Secret into the corresponding fields in the ShipStation pop-up. Then click Connect.
Submit an API setup ticket with Wayfair by selecting
Inventory & EDI >Set Up an Inventory Feed or EDI Connection with Wayfair
from the drop-down menus, then select the API Integration option and enter the comments: "We will be setting up via ShipStation."Afterward, the Wayfair associate assigned to your ticket should grant the PO and ASN scopes without any testing required since the setup is via ShipStation, setting the integration live.
After you've completed the connection steps, your store will be connected to ShipStation. You'll be taken to the store's Settings page to adjust the store-specific settings like branding, notification preferences, and product handling.
You must manually process cancellation requests in Wayfair’s vendor portal. (Log in to Wayfair for access.) The line items for the order in ShipStation will never change, but your customer can request that you cancel an item.
Doublecheck that your order data is correct before importing as your Order data cannot change once the order imports into ShipStation. After the initial order import, ShipStation will not receive any subsequent updates.
Here are some common issues experienced by users, potential causes, and available troubleshooting tips.
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: CODE: 7001 - The supplied value '{sourceAddress.country}' for sourceAddress.country should be a 2 or 3 character country code. Error: CODE: 7002 - The supplied value '{destinationAddress.country}' for destinationAddress.country should be a 2 or 3 character country code. |
Country fields have a limit of three characters and will truncate any letters beyond that limit. Replace the supplied value with an ISO Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 Numeric Country Code. |
Fatal Errors
These errors mean your request was not processed. Please fix the issue causing the error and re-submit the request.
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: Your application has not been verified to upload inventory via this API. Please complete the steps in the testing section of this article. |
For suppliers to submit Inventory in production they must be verified. This error means an unverified application tried to submit production inventory data via the API. Please complete the steps in the testing section of this Wayfair Inventory article. (Log in to Wayfair to access the article.) |
Error: You do not have access to inventory for any suppliers. |
The client does not have the specific permissions required to submit inventory for any suppliers. |
Error: The "inventory" argument cannot be empty. |
Wayfair received an inventory mutation request with no inventory data. Check for any missing information in the required fields. See Wayfair's Inventory API FAQ for more details. (Log in to Wayfair to access the article.) |
Error: Required inputs are missing: {Field Names} |
One or more required data fields are missing from the input object. {Field Names} is a list of the required input field(s) not found in the request. Check for any missing information in the required fields. |
Validation Errors
These errors mean the valid inputs in the request were successfully processed. Please fix the invalid input and submit another request with the updated data.
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: CODE: 4001 - Quantity on hand cannot be less than -1. Supplier Part Number: {Part Number} |
The on-hand inventory quantity for the specified part is invalid. Valid quantities are integers greater than or equal to -1. A value of -1 is only used for distributors whose lead time changes drastically between when the item is in stock and when it needs to be ordered from the manufacturer. If both the distributor and manufacturer do not have an item in stock, the item should be considered out of stock. If you think this situation might apply to you, please contact your Wayfair Integration Manager. |
Error: CODE: 4002 -Invalid supplier id given: {supp_id}. Supplier Part Number: {part_num} |
An Invalid or incorrect Supplier ID provided with the part number was specified in the request. Please ensure the part number exists for that supplier. |
Error: CODE: 4003 - Invalid 'quantity_on_hand' or 'item_next_availability_date' for discontinued product for supplier id: {supp_id}. Supplier Part Number: {part_num} |
An invalid input was provided for a product that has been discontinued by the supplier. This is to prevent any operations on products that aren't or won't be available in inventory. |
General Errors
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: Your application has not been verified to accept purchase orders via this API. Please complete the steps in the testing section of this article (Log in to Wayfair to view the article). |
An unverified application tried to accept a purchase order via the API. Please check that the steps and criteria in the testing section of this article have been completed and met. (Log in to Wayfair to view the article). |
Accept Order Errors
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: Cannot accept a purchase order without any line items. |
There was an order mutation API call for an accept purchase that had no line items. |
Error: Ship speed provided does not match previously provided ship speeds |
A supplier attempted to change the shipSpeed of a previously provided PO response. |
Error: Purchase Order {PO Number} does not contain part {PO Part Number} |
A supplier attempted to respond to a purchase order with a part that was not part of the order. |
Registration Errors
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: Invalid pickup date provided |
Invalid pickup date provided. PO: {PO Number}. If the request for pickup date has an invalid format or fails one of the region (EU) constraints, this error is encountered. See Wayfair documentation on API Errors. |